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Here, you will find the latest school news, information about new courses as well as various weekly points of grammar or humour.
Besoin d'une traduction ?
16 February 2023

Besoin d'une traduction ?

Vous ne faites pas confiance à Google Translate ? Nous avons la solution pour vous ! The Balkan School of Languages offre un service de traduction dans multiples langues.

Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations.

Time idioms :
09 February 2023

Time idioms :

Did you know that one of the most used English words is “time” ?
Surprised ? You shouldn’t be.
Here is a post covering typical expressions with the word “time”. Enjoy !

Examples :

You can spend time :
- “I spent 3 hours writing this report.”
You can waste time :
- “I wasted an hour waiting for that difficult client.”
Time can be a waste :
- “It's not worth going. The whole seminar is a waste of time.”
You can value time :
- “I value every minute I get to spend with my family.”
You can run out of time :
- “I didn't get the project finished as I would have liked. I ran out of time.”
You can spare time :
- “Can you spare me a few minutes?”

26 January 2023


Gagne 2 cours privés d'anglais en répondant à cette question; Quel est le nom du fondateur / de la fondatrice de notre école de langues à Neuchâtel ?
Afin de gagner, il te faut :

  1. Répondre à la question
  2. Liker la publication
  3. Être abonné à la page

Pour des chances supplémentaires, tu peux te rendre sur nos réseaux sociaux (Instagram, Facebook) et taguer des amis & partager en story! Le gagnant sera contacté par message privé d'ici au 10 février.

19 January 2023


Whether it's for presentations at work or to ask for directions on your next holiday, we have the class made for you.

Be it French, German, English, or just about any other language you may want to learn.