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Future continuous
22 septembre 2023

Future continuous

When do we use it ? When referring to an event that will be in progress at a particular time in the future.
Be careful, use time expressions which help set the context (this time next week, tomorrow at 1pm).
It’s often used when trying to set up a meeting time.
Try to use the future continuous in that context or when talking about more important events.
Examples :
- This time next week, I’ll be presenting an award to Elon Musk.
- Tomorrow at 2pm, I’ll be supervising an internal audit. Can we meet at 4pm ?

Latest YouTube Post
12 juin 2023

Latest YouTube Post

Some VS any : What's the difference ?
Verb of the day :
29 mai 2023

Verb of the day :

Suffering from perfectionism ? Don’t worry, I have the perfect verb for you.
To fine-tune something : “to make small adjustments to (something) in order to achieve the best or
a desired performance.”

Examples :

Person A : Wedding arrangements done ?
Person B : Not quite, I still have to fine-tune a few things.

“Leandro, our football coach, tends to spend hours fine-tuning his game tactics. They call him the new Guardiola.”